Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yamaha - The Launch of "A CLASS ABOVE" on 18.08.2008

Yes, you hear it right!
The Yamaha new bike will launch on 18.08.2008 at Putrajaya by YB Tan Sri Dato' Muhyiddin Bin Mohd Yassin (Minister of International Trade and Industry).

It is going to create another buzz in the bike market.

Hmn~ guess what? I'm going to attend this launching ceremony. *Grin.
Don't jealous dude. I will upload the "baby" photos once I'm back to KB.

Can't wait to see it. I'm expecting...

The BIG DAY 18.08.2008 @ Putrajaya Marriot Hotel, IOI Resort.

*Actually I lost my digital photos so I present you the "A Class Above" - Nouvo LC photos which I get it from Hong Leong Yamaha Motor S/B official websites. Don't blame me dude. The bike just too cool until I accidentally press delete all the taken photos.

It's cool! It's class!! It's automatic!!! It's Yamaha!!!!! It's NOUVO LC!!!!!

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